Unclassified NewsBoard Code Reference

unb_lib/common.js contents

No description available.


SelectButton Toggle selection state of a button element
UnbAddFormStatus Event handler that adds mouse hover statusbar information about HTML forms'
submit buttons' target URL
UnbCorrectPNGforIE Correctly handle PNG transparency in Win IE 5.5 or higher.
UnbGlobalKeyDispatcher Keypress handler
UnbGlobalRegisterKeyHandler Register a key handler function
UnbGoDelete Go to a given URL after a confirmation message box
UnbPopup Open a new popup window
UnbPreviewDesign Open a new window with the forum start page and another design selected
UnbScrollToAnchor Scroll to URL anchor
disableObj Disable an object in 10ms
fetchTimezone Get local offset from GMT in minutes
getel Get an element by its ID
nothing Dummy function for <a href="javascript:..."> links with an onclick handler
resizeBoxId Vertically resize an element by its ID
resizeBoxObj Vertically resize an element
scrollDownId Scroll the window down by the height of an item
scrollDownObj Scroll the window down by the height of an item
scrollUpId Scroll the window up by the height of an item
scrollUpObj Scroll the window up by the height of an item
setImageId Set an image's source attribute depending on a condition
setImageObj Set an image's source attribute depending on a condition
toggleEnabledId Toggle enabled state of an object
toggleEnabledObj Toggle enabled state of an object
toggleVisId Toggle visibility of an object
toggleVisIdScroll Toggle visibility of an object and scroll the page up and down
toggleVisObj Toggle visibility of an object


No classes in this file.


No constants in this file.

© 2006 Yves Goergen. Unclassified NewsBoard Homepage. Reference based on UNB unb.devel.20060128, dated 2006-01-28.