Clean-up on every code file rename directories (bb -> unb) rename functions where appropriate (public, common etc.) (#160) use CapsName way for all functions rename files where appropriate (editor.js) $TABLE['msg'] -> $TABLE['ann'] re-organise global variable names into a single $UNB array $abbc_cfg -> $ABBC['Config'] $abbc_smileys -> $ABBC['Smilies'] $abbc_tags -> $ABBC['Tags'] $attach_path -> AttachPath $avatar_path -> AvatarPath $CFG -> Config (?) $CHARSET -> CharSet $CONFFILE -> ConfigFile (?) $CSSFILE -> CssFile $db -> Db $DEFLANG -> DefaultLang $DESIGN -> Design $design_path -> DesignPath $extra_count -> ProfileExtraCount $extra_names -> ProfileExtraNames $HOOK -> Hook $ICON -> ActionLinksIcon $IMG -> Image $INSTALLING -> Installing $LANG -> Lang $libpath -> LibraryPath $LoginUserGroups -> LoginUserGroups $LoginUserID -> LoginUserID $LoginUserName -> LoginUserName $LoginUser -> LoginUser $logpath -> LogPath $ME -> ThisPage $MODULE -> Module $NEWLAYOUT -> HorizLayout $NODB -> NoDb $photo_path -> PhotoPath $show_sql -> ShowSql $SHOWHIDECODE -> ShowHideCode $TABLE -> Table $TEXTONLY -> TextOnly $TEXT -> ActionLinksText $TIMEZONE -> Timezone $VERSIONTIME -> VersionTime $VERSIONUPGRADE -> VersionUpgrade $VERSION -> Version $PostsPerForum $ThreadsPerForum $NewForums $PostsByUser $PostsByThread $ThreadIconsLegend $ACL -> ACL $plugpath -> PlugInPath $CONTTYPE -> ContentType $page_rel_links -> PageRelLinks $forum_order -> ForumOrder $subforums -> Subforums $user_cache -> UserCache $forum_cache -> ForumCache $thread_cache -> ThreadCache $session_inactive -> SessionInactive $session_netmask -> SessionNetMask $T -> $UNB_T $prog_id -> rc('prog_id') sort all files' "global" statements' variables update all files' comment to (c) 2005 use new client info library replace all $host_* tidy up with $UNB['Config'] (former $CFG) usage frm_* -> $UNB['Frame*'] enable_icq -> rc('enable_icq') enable_jabber -> rc('enable_jabber') languages -> $UNB['AllLangs'] language_names -> $UNB['AllLangNames'] forum_separator -> $UNB['Design']['ForumSeparator'] plugins -> $UNB['PlugIns'] every language include must accept "-" in filenames "the board setup is locked" -> +"remove the file lock.conf to unlock it" rename *.ex to *.example try to make the entire code caller-path independant rename images where appropriate replace numeric bitmask constants by named constants as for UFF_* again, use UNB_* here (rename UFF_* and ULF_* to UNB_...) announcement options forum flags post flags thread options notify options (public.lib.php) rename JavaScript functions where appropriate give SESSION and COOKIE variables unique names <- combine uid+pass cookies! session.lib: rename md5edpassword to hashedpassword add "type="image/x-icon"" to favicon rel-link write comments on every function, its purpose, parameters and output rename function db_encode (in database.lib) to UnbDbEncode DB: Users.Extra?.Type = carchar(255) statt (100) +change Users.Password column to varchar(200) to be able to store any password format add more password hash functions, maybe create an option for it compatibility vs extensability: prepend all new passwords with {}. but also recognise current scheming for 2 or 3 versions md5, keyed-md5, sha1, plain(!) rename database column AnnounceRead.Msg to .Announce change [quote] HTML code to use
and enable it in RSS feeds Bild nicht geladen: "[Not loaded]" -> "[Image not loaded]" change all read/write-access class functions -> to handle loading of an object or determining the current ID to work the same way Set functions: optional id parameter at the end, if not null, only change foreign record and don't update own values Change functions: Remove functions: move all parameter checking into the API class functions (#153) Call UnbForwardHTML with not-html-quoted URL, but quote it in the UnbForwardHTML function sid function needs to return plain text instead of HTML this causes trouble with all other links, fix them Write UnbLink function that builds links in a sensible way Replace all links in the entire board with the UnbLink function regex-search for: \$UNB\['ThisPage'\]|\$UNB\['Module'\]| als array übergeben? da wo es vorkommt, die arrays dann zusammenführen. ist ja nur der page-select-code (in eigene funktion!) remove PD constant remove sid function and replace sid(4) by UnbFormSessionId() reduce UnbUrlGetKey to parameter 4 and omit that parameter finish #171 (utf8 import) (would need old sid()-style links...) move page-selection code into a separate function(min, max, curr, get-params-array) ignore derefer request if there is no session id in the current page URL remove home_url setting from installer smilies definitions have no image dimensions stored move functions to other files where appropriate (mostly public/common libs) re-think the sense of the public library - is it really used? common.lib -> common_out.lib public.lib -> common.lib, plugin.lib full database abstraction (#163) remaining IDatabase.Exec() calls are: (various MySQL-specific calls) (table status) (insert into select) @ before require() or include() suppresses any parse error in that file we disable error output anyway, so remove all those @s again! better for code debugging auto-determine Apache mod_rewrite module at install-time and enable short URLs also conditionally use RewriteRule and Expires* directives in .htaccess file with