No description available.
SelectButton | Toggle selection state of a button element |
UnbAddFormStatus |
Event handler that adds mouse hover statusbar information about HTML forms' submit buttons' target URL |
UnbCorrectPNGforIE | Correctly handle PNG transparency in Win IE 5.5 or higher. |
UnbGlobalKeyDispatcher | Keypress handler |
UnbGlobalRegisterKeyHandler | Register a key handler function |
UnbGoDelete | Go to a given URL after a confirmation message box |
UnbPopup | Open a new popup window |
UnbPreviewDesign | Open a new window with the forum start page and another design selected |
UnbScrollToAnchor | Scroll to URL anchor |
disableObj | Disable an object in 10ms |
fetchTimezone | Get local offset from GMT in minutes |
getel | Get an element by its ID |
nothing | Dummy function for <a href="javascript:..."> links with an onclick handler |
resizeBoxId | Vertically resize an element by its ID |
resizeBoxObj | Vertically resize an element |
scrollDownId | Scroll the window down by the height of an item |
scrollDownObj | Scroll the window down by the height of an item |
scrollUpId | Scroll the window up by the height of an item |
scrollUpObj | Scroll the window up by the height of an item |
setImageId | Set an image's source attribute depending on a condition |
setImageObj | Set an image's source attribute depending on a condition |
toggleEnabledId | Toggle enabled state of an object |
toggleEnabledObj | Toggle enabled state of an object |
toggleVisId | Toggle visibility of an object |
toggleVisIdScroll | Toggle visibility of an object and scroll the page up and down |
toggleVisObj | Toggle visibility of an object |
No classes in this file.
No constants in this file.
© 2006 Yves Goergen. Unclassified NewsBoard Homepage. Reference based on UNB unb.devel.20060128, dated 2006-01-28.