No description available.
UnbCheckLength | Check the current length of a textbox |
UnbEditorDoCmd | Handle a text editor button |
UnbEncloseText | Enclose the currently selected text with an opening and closing text |
UnbGetCharBeforeCursor | Get the character before the current cursor position in a text field |
UnbInsertText | Insert text into a textbox at the current cursor position |
UnbShowChars | Show the list of alternative characters in the post editor |
UnbTextKeydownHandler | Event handler for keypress events on a textbox |
UnbTextKeyup | No description available. |
UnbUpdateLength | Update the length counter in the post editor |
No classes in this file.
No constants in this file.
© 2006 Yves Goergen. Unclassified NewsBoard Homepage. Reference based on UNB unb.devel.20060128, dated 2006-01-28.