Unclassified NewsBoard Code Reference

unb_lib/mime.lib.php contents

MIME decoding functions
Widely taken from the Website Management System WMS, http://software.unclassified.de/wms


MimeDecodeWord Decode a MIME "encoded word" like in "Subject: =?...?=" (RFC 2047)
MimeEncodeIfRequired Similar to MimeEncodeWord()
MimeEncodeWord Generate a MIME 'encoded word' for use in mail headers (RFC 2047)
MimeGetHeaderParam Find a sub-value (parameter) inside a header's value, i.e.
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=<...>
MimeGetHeaderValue Find the value of a header line like "Date: <...>"
quoted_printable_decode2 Add PHP's decode function by optional "_"-to-space conversion
quoted_printable_encode Complement to PHP's quoted_printable_decode()
unquote (Recursively) remove " chars at beginning and end if present


No classes in this file.


No constants in this file.

© 2006 Yves Goergen. Unclassified NewsBoard Homepage. Reference based on UNB unb.devel.20060128, dated 2006-01-28.