Unclassified NewsBoard Code Reference

IThread.FindArray function

Find all threads

function IThread.FindArray ($where = '', $order = '', $limit = '', $showhidden = false);


where  –  optional, default: ''
(string) SQL WHERE section
order  –  optional, default: ''
(string) SQL ORDER BY section
limit  –  optional, default: ''
(string) SQL LIMIT section
showhidden  –  optional, default: false
(bool) include hidden threads in this search

Return value:

(array(array)) all thread record rows


NOTE: This function also finds "moved note" threads!
You may want to filter them out with $where = "NOT (Options & 8)"

See also: UnbFindThreadsArray function

Member of class: IThread

Implementation file: unb_lib/thread.lib.php, line 138

© 2006 Yves Goergen. Unclassified NewsBoard Homepage. Reference based on UNB unb.devel.20060128, dated 2006-01-28.