Unclassified NewsBoard Code Reference

UnbJabberSendMessage function

Send a message to one or more Jabber recipients

function UnbJabberSendMessage ($to, $subject = '', $body = '');


(array) array(to, subject, body) with all messages to be sent
(string) single receipient's JID
subject  –  optional, default: ''
(string) single subject
body  –  optional, default: ''
(string) single message body. pass these as text/plain, they'll be htmlspecialchar'ed.

Return value:

(int) 0: success
-1: can't connect to Jabber server
-2: can't authenticate to Jabber server
-3: can't sent one of many messages (aborting here)
-4: can't send one of one message

Implementation file: unb_lib/mail.lib.php, line 192

© 2006 Yves Goergen. Unclassified NewsBoard Homepage. Reference based on UNB unb.devel.20060128, dated 2006-01-28.