Configuration file options
Many of these settings are also described in the administrative configuration section above. There may be two similar descriptions for one option. Compare both to get a better understanding. [TODO: check if they all say the same...] Most boolean options can be set off with a value of “0” and on with a value of “1”.
General settings 
Column name |
Description |
forum_title | Forum name. This title will be used in the page title and as sender of e-mails. |
home_url | Home URL of the board installation (only the directory name, without PHP filename). This is auto-detected by the installer. You shouldn’t need to correct it. |
parent_url | If set, this will be displayed as “Main page” as the first navigation line link. |
toplogo_url | If set, this will be the link target of the logo at the top of the page. The logo points to the forum index otherwise. |
db_server | Database server host name or IP address |
db_user | Database username |
db_pass | Database password (see notes about passwords below) |
db_name | Database name |
db_prefix | This key is added to the standard table names. Use different keys to store more than one forum in a single database. |
db_utf8 | Make use of the database server’s Unicode capabilities (available from MySQL 4.1 on). If unset, UTF8 encoding will be used if available. Set this to 0 for use with databases upgraded from UNB 1.5 or older. |
smtp_server | SMTP outgoing e-mail server host name or IP address |
smtp_sender | Sender address for all board-generated e-mails |
smtp_user | Username for SMTP-AUTH, if necessary |
smtp_pass | Password for SMTP-AUTH, if username is set (see notes about passwords below) |
use_php_mail | Use PHP’s internal mail() function instead of SMTP |
enable_jabber | Enable Jabber notification feature. You must have defined a Jabber account for the board for this to work. |
jabber_server | Jabber IM server host name, optionally with port number (default is “:5222”). SSL is not suported. |
jabber_user | Jabber user name on this server (without the “@servername” part) |
jabber_pass | Jabber password (see notes about passwords below) |
def_lang | Board default language (ISO code as for filenames, e.g. “en”) |
tz_offset | Default timezone offset, in quarter hours (-48 through 48) |
tz_dst | Daylight saving time configuration (0: off, 1: auto, 2: force on [not yet implemented]) |
Notes about passwords: Passwords can be stored in the configuration file in different ways. One of them is plaintext: Just enter the password as it is and with no encoding or transformation. The board will use another way by default: Base64-encoding. If the password is stored in Base64 encoding, it must be prepended with a “b64:”.
Appearance settings 
design | Name of board default design |
smileset | Name of used smiley set |
login_top | Show login controls at the top of the page. (0: show them at the bottom) |
show_online_users | Show currently online users. This has effect on bottom of the overview page and all forums. |
foot_db_time | Show database and timing statistics in footline |
gzip | Enable GZip output compression (on|off|auto) |
mod_rewrite_urls | Use Apache’s mod_rewrite for short URLs |
named_urls | Add thread subjects or forum names to the URLs to let them ‘speak’ more. Search engines may like this. Only valid if mod_rewrite_urls is enabled. |
show_goto_forum | Show “Go to forum” drop-down list |
show_search_forum | Quicksearch in forums/threads |
enable_trace_users | Enable user trace list. In this list of online users, everyone can see which user is currently where in the board. |
post_preview_send_button | Display a second “Create topic/Reply” button right after the post preview |
show_last_visit_time | Display the time of the user’s last visit on the overview page |
forums_tree_style | Use Unicode characters for the tree structure in the forums dropdown list. Available options: unicode, nolines, dots, hlines |
display_forum_lastpost_re | Prefix the last post topic subjects with “Re: ” in the forums list, if the last post in that forum is not a new topic but a reply |
show_birthdays | List all birthday users on the overview page |
disable_search_highlighting | Do not highlight the search terms in the displayed result posts. This option is still a bit buggy and can thus be disabled here. |
show_forum_rss_link | Show forums’ RSS links |
location_link | Location’s URL. “%s” will be replaced with the user’s specified location. |
threads_per_page | Threads per page in threads list |
posts_per_page | Posts per page in thread view |
users_per_page | Users per page in users list |
hot_thread_posts | Minimum number of posts for a ‘hot thread’ |
hot_thread_views | Minimum number of views for a ‘hot thread’ |
extra_names | Additional user profile fields. Enter all captions separated by a | character. You must not change the number of captions manually but only from the Admin CP. |
new_topic_link_in_thread | Display a “Add topic” link in a thread view, next to the “Add reply” link |
post_show_textlength | Count current text length of the post |
post_attach_inline_maxsize | Maximum allowed filesize to display an attached image inline |
post_attach_inline_maxwidth | Maximum allowed width to display an attached image inline |
post_attach_inline_maxheight | Maximum allowed height to display an attached image inline |
max_poll_options | Maximum number of definable poll options |
own_posts_in_threadlist | Mark threads with own posts in the threads list |
show_bookmarked_thread | Mark my bookmarks in threads lists |
display_thread_startdate | Display a thread’s starting date in the threads list |
advanced_thread_counter | Advanced counters in the threads list. Number of users who have read or posted to a thread. |
count_thread_views | Count thread views |
display_thread_lastposter | Display a thread’s last post’s author in the threads list |
count_forum_threads_posts | Count threads/posts in the forums list |
display_forum_lastpost | Display last post in the forums list |
ulist_regdate | Show user’s registration date in the users list |
ulist_location | Show user’s location in the users list |
ulist_posts | Show user’s number of posts in the users list |
ulist_lastpost | Show user’s last post in the users list |
poll_current_days | Find “current polls” within ... days |
quote_with_date | Store quotes’ date if older than ... days |
no_edit_note_grace_time | During this time, no “This post was edited” note will be added to edited posts, if no other user has already read it |
moved_thread_note_timeout | Time in days to keep thread moved notes |
online_users_reload_interval | Time in milliseconds to reload the list of online users after |
user_online_timeout | Time in seconds when users won’t be considered online after their last activity |
Security settings 
new_user_validation | New users’ validation type (0: registration disabled, 1: immediately, 2: validation via e-mail, 3: manual by Mod/Admin) |
disallowed_usernames | Disallowed usernames |
disallowed_emails | Disallowed e-mail addresses. List of disallowed Usernames and Mail addresses for registration. These strings must not appear entirely or partly in requested Usernames or E-Mail Addresses at registration. Comparison is done case-insensitive. Enter all values separated by “|” character. |
allowed_email_domains | Allowed e-mail domains. Registration is only possible with e-mail addresses from these domains. Comparison is done case-insensitive. Enter all values separated by “|” character. |
disallow_email_reuse | Don’t allow two users to share the same e-mail address for registration |
username_minlength | Minimum required username length |
username_maxlength | Maximum allowed username length |
usertitle_maxlength | Maximum allowed user title length |
pass_minlength | Minimum allowed length of users’ passwords in characters |
pass_notusername | Do not alow passwords equal to the user name (case-insensitive) |
pass_neednumber | Require passwords to contain at least a number [0-9] |
pass_needspecial | Require passwords to contain at least a character that is no number [0-9] and no letter [A-Za-z]. This includes i.e. punctuation or accented letters. |
avatars_enabled | Enable use of avatars |
allow_remote_avatars | Allow users to use remote avatars specified by URL |
avatar_x | Maximum width of avatars |
avatar_y | Maximum height of avatars |
avatar_bytes | Maximum filesize of avatars (can be overridden via ACL) |
photos_enabled | Enable use of user photos |
photo_x | Maximum width of user photos (can be overridden via ACL) |
photo_y | Maximum height of user photos (can be overridden via ACL) |
photo_bytes | Maximum filesize of user photos (can be overridden via ACL) |
max_post_len | Maximum post length in characters |
max_sig_len | Maximum signature length in characters |
attach_bytes | Maximum filesize of post attachments (can be overridden via ACL). Note: Post attachments filesize is limited to PHP’s “upload_max_filesize” setting in any case. This will be recognised and the correct value will be displayed to the user. |
attach_exts | Allowed post attachment filename extensions, list elements separated by a | character |
topic_subject_minlength | Minimum required topic subject length |
topic_subject_maxlength | Maximum allowed topic subject length |
abbc_sig_no_font | Disallow font style BBCode tags in users’ signature |
abbc_sig_no_url | Disallow link BBCode tags in users’ signature |
abbc_sig_no_img | Disallow image BBCode tags in users’ signature |
abbc_sig_no_smilies | Disallow graphical smileys in users’ signature |
no_cookies | Don’t set cookies |
session_ip_netmask | Restrict a session to clients within the same IP range as they have logged on. 0=disable and allow all, 8/16/24=the first n bits (subnet) must match, 32=the exact address must match |
use_veriword | Display the verification code image |
auto_ban_flood_ip | Enable automatic IP ban on flood |
auto_ban_flood_ip_period | Time to count requests in |
auto_ban_flood_ip_threshold | Maximum allowed number of requests in that time |
admin_lock | Administrative board lock (see advanced configuration settings above for details) |
read_only | Global read-only access (see advanced configuration settings above for details) |
enable_versioncheck | Enable periodic version check. If enabled, once a day the current version information will be downloaded from the UNB website and a warning will be displayed to admins if the version is not current. Further documentation on this version check will follow in the Administration documentation |
disable_plugins | List of disabled plug-ins. Every compatible plug-in from the plug-ins directory will be loaded automatically if not listed here. |
filter_words | List of words to filter out in posts, signatures and announcements (used by 'wordfilter' plug-in) |
show_ads | Show advertisements. 0:none, 1:top of page, 2:bottom, 3:both. Requires 'ad' plug-in |
Advanced settings 
These configuration options are not available in the web frontend (Admin Control Panel). Since most of them require a change of code files or pathnames in some way, it should be OK to edit the file, too.
lib_path | Path to UNB’s library directory, relative to forum.php. Must also be updated in forum.php. |
lib_url | URL to UNB’s library directory. You can set this to a different value than lib_path if the URL paths are different from the physical directories in the filesystem. |
log_path | Path to UNB’s log files directory, relative to forum.php |
indep_page | Create stand-alone <html> pages (0: page embedding) |
basefile | Board’s base filename |
baseurl | Board’s base URL (see lib_url note above) |
prog_id | Program ID. Security relevant: This string is used to build the session name and should be set to a unique value for the current domain at setup time. If you have two UNBs or PHP session dependant environments using the same session name, this could lead to users being able to login to this board (or the other environment) as someone else. |
no_forward | Don’t automatically forward to the next page on forward-only pages. Shows a link to click on instead. This can be set to “0” to read debug output from POST forms and the like. |
show_sql | Show SQL queries (“on”: enabled for everyone, “off”: disabled, ‹num›: only enabled for this user ID). Avoid using this publically because SQL queries might contain sensitive data and will mess up the page layout. |
nav_line | Show navigation line. Warning: If disabled, you need a page framework or enter the main URLs yourself! |
show_login | Show login controls |
foot_line | Show footer line |
nice_quotes_style | Replace default quotes ("") by special characters (“”) in posts. 0=disabled, 1=“default” (en), 2=„begin bottom“ (de), 3=«angle quotes» (fr), 4=»inversed angle quotes«. This is currently experimental and disabled. |
last_versioncheck | Internal: Timestamp of last online check |
versioncheck_newavail | Internal: Version number for that an update was available last |
last_saved_with_version | Internal: Version that last saved the config file |
last_upgrade_version_time | Internal: Version time when the configuration was last updated |