Warning: This software is outdated. Further information on the home page.

Table: ACL

Access Control List (ACL): Contains all access rules
Column name
Data type
ID int unsigned Access rule ID
Action smallint unsigned Access right identifier
1...19: Global boolean rights
21...29: Global numeric rights
31...59: Limited boolean rights
61...79: Limited numeric rights
81...89: Rights collections
>90: Reserved for custom extensions
Forum int unsigned Forum ID this rule relates to
Thread int unsigned Thread ID this rule relates to
Grant int Grant option (0/1) or numeric value
Group int unsigned User group
User int unsigned User ID
Enabled bool Use this rule?

Table: AnnounceRead

Stores which users have read (‘confirmed’) which announcements
Msg int unsigned Message ID
User int unsigned User ID

Table: Announces

Board announcement messages
ID int unsigned Message ID
Forum int Assigned forum ID
0: overview page
-1: admin_lock maintenance message
Date int Creation timestamp
User int unsigned Author user ID
Subject varchar(150) Message’s subject (optional)
Msg text Content
Options int unsigned Additional options (can be OR’ed)
Important announcement
Recursive announcement (also display in sub-forums)
Also show announcement in threads
The access mask is set by two bits, masked by UNB_ANN_FOR_MASK (8|16):
Display for all users
Display for guests only
Display for logged in users only
Display for moderators only
(These constants are defined in announce.lib.php.)

Table: ForumWatch

Forum notifications for new threads
Forum int unsigned Forum ID
User int unsigned User ID
Mode tinyint unsigned Type of notification (can be OR’ed)
Flags tinyint unsigned Additional options
(not currently used)
LastVisited int Last forum visit timestamp
LastNotify int Last notification timestamp
LastViewed int Timestamp when the user has last viewed the thread

Table: Forums

Forum definitions
ID int unsigned Forum ID
Sort int Sort index
Parent int unsigned Forum ID this forum shall be assigned to
Name varchar(100) Display name
Flags int Additional flags (can be OR’ed)
Forum is a category
Forum is a web link
(These constants are defined in forum.lib.php.)
Description text Additional forum description
Link varchar(255) URL to point to if the forum is a web link

Table: GroupMembers

Users’ group memberships
Group int unsigned User group ID
User int unsigned User ID

Table: GroupNames

User group definitions
ID int unsigned User group ID
Name varchar(50) Display name
ShowInTeam bool Show members of this group in the operators team?

Table: Guests

Guests session data
Session varchar(80) PHP Session ID
LastActivity int Last activity timestamp
LastForum int unsigned Last visited forum ID
UserName varchar(40) Name

Table: PollUsers

Users that have voted in a poll
Thread int unsigned Thread (poll) ID
User int unsigned User ID
VoteNum int unsigned Vote ID the user has voted (necessary for cancelling the vote)

Table: PollVotes

Vote options to a poll
ID int unsigned Vote option ID
Thread int unsigned Thread (poll) ID
Sort tinyint Sort index
Title varchar(100) Vote option title
Votes int unsigned Count of votes for this vote option

Table: Posts

ID int unsigned Post ID
Thread int unsigned Thread ID
ReplyTo int unsigned Referenced post ID
Date int Creation timestamp
EditUser int unsigned Last editing user ID
EditDate int Last editing timestamp
EditCount smallint Count of edits of this post
User int unsigned Author user ID
0: Guest
-1: Former user
UserName varchar(40) User name if not a registered user
Subject varchar(150) Post’s subject
Msg text Content
Options int unsigned Additional options (can be OR’ed)
Disable conversion of smileys to graphics
Disable special ABBC syntax like *bold* (see ABBC_SPECIAL)
(These constants are defined in post.lib.php.)
AttachFile varchar(40) Attached local filename (post-‹id›.‹ext›)
AttachFileName varchar(100) Original filename as uploaded by user
AttachDLCount int unsigned Number of times this file has been downloaded
IP varchar(15) Author’s IP address
Hostname varchar(150) Author’s hostname, resolved from the IP address
SpamRating int Post’s spam/abuse/nonsense probability
(not currently used)

Table: Stat

Statistical data
Date int Timestamp at midnight (0h) local time
NewThreads int Number of new threads
NewPosts int Number of new posts
OnlineUsers int Number of online registered users this day
OnlineGuests int Number of online guests this day
PageHits int Total number of page hits in the board
NewUsers int unsigned User registrations (can be negative when purging)

Table: ThreadWatch

Thread notifications for new posts
Thread int unsigned Thread ID
User int unsigned User ID
Mode tinyint unsigned Type of notification (can be OR’ed)
Bookmark (not really a notification...)
(These constants are defined in common.lib.php.)
LastRead int Last topic read timestamp (also used for read/unread markers)
LastNotify int Last notification timestamp

Table: Threads

ID int unsigned Thread ID
Forum int unsigned Assigned forum ID
LastPostDate int Timestamp of the last post in this thread [auto-generated]
Subject varchar(150) Display topic name
Desc varchar(150) Optional topic subtitle (description)
Date int Creation timestamp
User int unsigned Author user ID
0: Guest
-1: Former user
UserName varchar(40) User name if not a registered user
Views int unsigned Number of views of this topics
Options int unsigned Additional options (can be OR’ed)
Important (sticky)
Moved note
Has an attachment [auto-generated]
(These constants are defined in thread.lib.php.)
Question varchar(150) Poll question
For moved threads (Options & UNB_THREAD_MOVED):
ID to target thread
PollTimeout int Poll timeout in days
For moved threads (Options & UNB_THREAD_MOVED):
Expire time (in days) for “moved” note

Table: UserForumFlags

Stores flags for users on forums or threads
Forum int unsigned Forum ID
Thread int unsigned Thread ID
User int unsigned User ID
Flags tinyint unsigned Flags
The category is collapsed in the forum index
Ignore new topics in a forum
Hide a forum from the forums list
(These constants are defined in common.lib.php.)

Table: Users

User records and profiles
ID int unsigned User ID
Name varchar(40) Display name
Password varchar(40) MD5-encrypted password
RegDate int Registration timestamp
ValidatedEMail varchar(100) Registration e-mail address
DefaultNotify tinyint unsigned Default notification type, see ForumWatch.Mode or ThreadWatch.Mode
EMail varchar(100) E-mail address
ICQ varchar(15) ICQ UIN
AIM varchar(30) AOL IM screenname
YIM varchar(30) Yahii IM screenname
MSN varchar(50) MSN Messenger address
Jabber varchar(50) Jabber IM address (JID)
LastActivity int Last activity timestamp
LastForum int Last visited forum
Overview page
Board configuration
User profile
Statistics page
Users list
(These constants are defined in common.lib.php.)
LastLogin int Last login timestamp
LastLogout int Last ‘logout’ timestamp (last activity of previous session, is determined on login)
Signature text Post signature
BirthDay tinyint unsigned Day of birthdate
BirthMonth tinyint unsigned Month of birthdate
BirthYear smallint unsigned Year of birthdate
About text Short description, interests etc.
Title varchar(40) User title displayed with all posts
Location varchar(50) Location
Homepage varchar(150) Internet website
Gender char(1) Gender
‹empty›: undefined
f: female
m: male
Avatar varchar(150) Avatar file or URL (contains a “:”)
AvatarX smallint Horizontal dimension of avatar image [auto-generated]
AvatarY smallint Vertical dimension of avatar image [auto-generated]
Photo varchar(150) User photo file or URL (contains a “:”)
ActivateKey varchar(50) Unique registration validation key
RecommendedBy int unsigned This user was recommended by user ID for registration
(This column is currently unused)
Design varchar(50) Selected design
‹empty›: Board default
ThreadIcons tinyint Show post action links with...
0: icons
1: text
2: both
(This column is currently unused)
Flags int unsigned User profile options
(Admin only) Display all notifications and UserRead data
Enable FastReply
Auto re-login (with Cookies)
Include a copy of the post on notification (not yet implemented)
Automatically ignore any unread new topics (TODO: add link to docs)
Half size avatars if they’re more than 50% of globally allowed maximum height
Hide users’ avatars in posts
Hide users’ signatures in posts
Hide inline post attachments (images)
(These constants are defined in user.lib.php.)
Timezone tinyint +/- offset in hours * 4 (-48...+48)
99: Board default
TimezoneDS tinyint Daylight saving time
-1: Board default
0: No DST
1: Auto DST
2: Force DST (not yet implemented)
EditControls int unsigned What BBCode controls should be displayed when posting
(This column is currently unused)
ThreadsPerPage smallint Number of threads per page
-1: Board default
(This column is currently unused)
ThreadSort smallint Threads sorting in threads list
-1: Board default
(This column is currently unused)
ThreadTime smallint Show topics of the last ... days in threads list
-1: Board default
(This column is currently unused)
Language varchar(6) Selected language’s code, ex: “en”, “de”
‹empty›: Board default or auto detection
DateFormat varchar(20) Custom date format, see PHP function date()
‹empty›: Language default
Extra{n} varchar(100) Extra user profile fields, with n being greater than or equal to 1. These columns are automatically added and removed when you change the extra user profile fields captions in the Admin CP
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Content last updated on 2009-03-01 12:50 UTC
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