Table: ACL 
Access Control List (ACL): Contains all access rules
Column name |
Data type |
Description |
ID | int unsigned | Access rule ID |
Action | smallint unsigned | Access right identifier 1...19: Global boolean rights 21...29: Global numeric rights 31...59: Limited boolean rights 61...79: Limited numeric rights 81...89: Rights collections >90: Reserved for custom extensions |
Forum | int unsigned | Forum ID this rule relates to |
Thread | int unsigned | Thread ID this rule relates to |
Grant | int | Grant option (0/1) or numeric value |
Group | int unsigned | User group |
User | int unsigned | User ID |
Enabled | bool | Use this rule? |
Table: AnnounceRead 
Stores which users have read (‘confirmed’) which announcements
Msg | int unsigned | Message ID |
User | int unsigned | User ID |
Table: Announces 
Board announcement messages
ID | int unsigned | Message ID |
Forum | int | Assigned forum ID 0: overview page -1: admin_lock maintenance message |
Date | int | Creation timestamp |
User | int unsigned | Author user ID |
Subject | varchar(150) | Message’s subject (optional) |
Msg | text | Content |
Options | int unsigned | Additional options (can be OR’ed)UNB_ANN_IMPORTANT (1):
Important announcement
Recursive announcement (also display in sub-forums)
Also show announcement in threads
The access mask is set by two bits, masked by UNB_ANN_FOR_MASK (8|16):UNB_ANN_FOR_ALL (0):
Display for all users
Display for guests only
Display for logged in users only
Display for moderators only
(These constants are defined in announce.lib.php.) |
Table: ForumWatch 
Forum notifications for new threads
Forum | int unsigned | Forum ID |
User | int unsigned | User ID |
Mode | tinyint unsigned | Type of notification (can be OR’ed)UNB_NOTIFY_EMAIL (1):
Flags | tinyint unsigned | Additional options (not currently used) |
LastVisited | int | Last forum visit timestamp |
LastNotify | int | Last notification timestamp |
LastViewed | int | Timestamp when the user has last viewed the thread |
Table: Forums 
Forum definitions
ID | int unsigned | Forum ID |
Sort | int | Sort index |
Parent | int unsigned | Forum ID this forum shall be assigned to |
Name | varchar(100) | Display name |
Flags | int | Additional flags (can be OR’ed)UNB_FORUM_CATEGORY (1):
Forum is a category
Forum is a web link
(These constants are defined in forum.lib.php.) |
Description | text | Additional forum description |
Link | varchar(255) | URL to point to if the forum is a web link |
Table: GroupMembers 
Users’ group memberships
Group | int unsigned | User group ID |
User | int unsigned | User ID |
Table: GroupNames 
User group definitions
ID | int unsigned | User group ID |
Name | varchar(50) | Display name |
ShowInTeam | bool | Show members of this group in the operators team? |
Table: Guests 
Guests session data
Session | varchar(80) | PHP Session ID |
LastActivity | int | Last activity timestamp |
LastForum | int unsigned | Last visited forum ID |
UserName | varchar(40) | Name |
Table: PollUsers 
Users that have voted in a poll
Thread | int unsigned | Thread (poll) ID |
User | int unsigned | User ID |
VoteNum | int unsigned | Vote ID the user has voted (necessary for cancelling the vote) |
Table: PollVotes 
Vote options to a poll
ID | int unsigned | Vote option ID |
Thread | int unsigned | Thread (poll) ID |
Sort | tinyint | Sort index |
Title | varchar(100) | Vote option title |
Votes | int unsigned | Count of votes for this vote option |
Table: Posts 
ID | int unsigned | Post ID |
Thread | int unsigned | Thread ID |
ReplyTo | int unsigned | Referenced post ID |
Date | int | Creation timestamp |
EditUser | int unsigned | Last editing user ID |
EditDate | int | Last editing timestamp |
EditCount | smallint | Count of edits of this post |
User | int unsigned | Author user ID 0: Guest -1: Former user |
UserName | varchar(40) | User name if not a registered user |
Subject | varchar(150) | Post’s subject |
Msg | text | Content |
Options | int unsigned | Additional options (can be OR’ed)UNB_POST_NOSMILIES (1):
Disable conversion of smileys to graphics
Disable special ABBC syntax like *bold* (see ABBC_SPECIAL)
(These constants are defined in post.lib.php.) |
AttachFile | varchar(40) | Attached local filename (post-‹id›.‹ext›) |
AttachFileName | varchar(100) | Original filename as uploaded by user |
AttachDLCount | int unsigned | Number of times this file has been downloaded |
IP | varchar(15) | Author’s IP address |
Hostname | varchar(150) | Author’s hostname, resolved from the IP address |
SpamRating | int | Post’s spam/abuse/nonsense probability (not currently used) |
Table: Stat 
Statistical data
Date | int | Timestamp at midnight (0h) local time |
NewThreads | int | Number of new threads |
NewPosts | int | Number of new posts |
OnlineUsers | int | Number of online registered users this day |
OnlineGuests | int | Number of online guests this day |
PageHits | int | Total number of page hits in the board |
NewUsers | int unsigned | User registrations (can be negative when purging) |
Table: ThreadWatch 
Thread notifications for new posts
Thread | int unsigned | Thread ID |
User | int unsigned | User ID |
Mode | tinyint unsigned | Type of notification (can be OR’ed)UNB_NOTIFY_EMAIL (1):
Bookmark (not really a notification...)
(These constants are defined in common.lib.php.)
LastRead | int | Last topic read timestamp (also used for read/unread markers) |
LastNotify | int | Last notification timestamp |
Table: Threads 
ID | int unsigned | Thread ID |
Forum | int unsigned | Assigned forum ID |
LastPostDate | int | Timestamp of the last post in this thread [auto-generated] |
Subject | varchar(150) | Display topic name |
Desc | varchar(150) | Optional topic subtitle (description) |
Date | int | Creation timestamp |
User | int unsigned | Author user ID 0: Guest -1: Former user |
UserName | varchar(40) | User name if not a registered user |
Views | int unsigned | Number of views of this topics |
Options | int unsigned | Additional options (can be OR’ed)UNB_THREAD_CLOSED (1):
Important (sticky)
Moved note
Has an attachment [auto-generated]
(These constants are defined in thread.lib.php.) |
Question | varchar(150) | Poll question For moved threads (Options & UNB_THREAD_MOVED ):ID to target thread |
PollTimeout | int | Poll timeout in days For moved threads (Options & UNB_THREAD_MOVED ):Expire time (in days) for “moved” note |
Table: UserForumFlags 
Stores flags for users on forums or threads
Forum | int unsigned | Forum ID |
Thread | int unsigned | Thread ID |
User | int unsigned | User ID |
Flags | tinyint unsigned | FlagsUNB_UFF_COLLAPSE (1):
The category is collapsed in the forum index
Ignore new topics in a forum
Hide a forum from the forums list
(These constants are defined in common.lib.php.) |
Table: Users 
User records and profiles
ID | int unsigned | User ID |
Name | varchar(40) | Display name |
Password | varchar(40) | MD5-encrypted password |
RegDate | int | Registration timestamp |
ValidatedEMail | varchar(100) | Registration e-mail address |
DefaultNotify | tinyint unsigned | Default notification type, see ForumWatch.Mode or ThreadWatch.Mode |
varchar(100) | E-mail address | |
ICQ | varchar(15) | ICQ UIN |
AIM | varchar(30) | AOL IM screenname |
YIM | varchar(30) | Yahii IM screenname |
MSN | varchar(50) | MSN Messenger address |
Jabber | varchar(50) | Jabber IM address (JID) |
LastActivity | int | Last activity timestamp |
LastForum | int | Last visited forum 0: Overview page
Board configuration
User profile
Statistics page
Users list
(These constants are defined in common.lib.php.) |
LastLogin | int | Last login timestamp |
LastLogout | int | Last ‘logout’ timestamp (last activity of previous session, is determined on login) |
Signature | text | Post signature |
BirthDay | tinyint unsigned | Day of birthdate |
BirthMonth | tinyint unsigned | Month of birthdate |
BirthYear | smallint unsigned | Year of birthdate |
About | text | Short description, interests etc. |
Title | varchar(40) | User title displayed with all posts |
Location | varchar(50) | Location |
Homepage | varchar(150) | Internet website |
Gender | char(1) | Gender ‹empty›: undefined f: female m: male |
Avatar | varchar(150) | Avatar file or URL (contains a “:”) |
AvatarX | smallint | Horizontal dimension of avatar image [auto-generated] |
AvatarY | smallint | Vertical dimension of avatar image [auto-generated] |
Photo | varchar(150) | User photo file or URL (contains a “:”) |
ActivateKey | varchar(50) | Unique registration validation key |
RecommendedBy | int unsigned | This user was recommended by user ID for registration (This column is currently unused) |
Design | varchar(50) | Selected design ‹empty›: Board default |
ThreadIcons | tinyint | Show post action links with... 0: icons 1: text 2: both (This column is currently unused) |
Flags | int unsigned | User profile optionsUNB_USER_USERREADPOST (8):
(Admin only) Display all notifications and UserRead data
Enable FastReply
Auto re-login (with Cookies)
Include a copy of the post on notification (not yet implemented)
Automatically ignore any unread new topics (TODO: add link to docs)
Half size avatars if they’re more than 50% of globally allowed maximum height
Hide users’ avatars in posts
Hide users’ signatures in posts
Hide inline post attachments (images)
(These constants are defined in user.lib.php.) |
Timezone | tinyint | +/- offset in hours * 4 (-48...+48) 99: Board default |
TimezoneDS | tinyint | Daylight saving time -1: Board default 0: No DST 1: Auto DST 2: Force DST (not yet implemented) |
EditControls | int unsigned | What BBCode controls should be displayed when posting (This column is currently unused) |
ThreadsPerPage | smallint | Number of threads per page -1: Board default (This column is currently unused) |
ThreadSort | smallint | Threads sorting in threads list -1: Board default (This column is currently unused) |
ThreadTime | smallint | Show topics of the last ... days in threads list -1: Board default (This column is currently unused) |
Language | varchar(6) | Selected language’s code, ex: “en”, “de” ‹empty›: Board default or auto detection |
DateFormat | varchar(20) | Custom date format, see PHP function date() ‹empty›: Language default |
Extra{n} | varchar(100) | Extra user profile fields, with n being greater than or equal to 1. These columns are automatically added and removed when you change the extra user profile fields captions in the Admin CP |