Warning: This software is outdated. Further information on the home page.

.htaccess files and their meaning

ExpiresByType ...
This makes images stay 2 days on your browser. It won’t even ask the server if they have been updated, so they can be displayed very fast. [optional]

DirectoryIndex forum.php
Loads overview page without typing “forum.php” in the URL [optional]

RewriteEngine ...
This makes the short URLs. [optional]

<Files board.conf.*>
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from all
Don’t allow access to the config file. [optional]
<Files *.inc.php>
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from all
<Files *.lib.php>
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from all
Disallow access to *.inc.php and *.lib.php files. This based on the first patch against the former security problem. It still builds the first layer against this type of attack, version 1.5.2 introduced two more of them that made this directive almost meaningless then. [required for 1.5.1-, optional for 1.5.2+]
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
Forbid direct access to the log files from the outside via HTTP. [optional for operation, required for security]
<Files post*>
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from all
Don’t allow direct downloads of post attachments from the outside via HTTP. This applies to all files named post* [optional for operation, required for security]
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Content last updated on 2005-09-09 18:10 UTC
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