Warning: This software is outdated. Further information on the home page.


The great majority of the Unclassified NewsBoard code was my own invention but I had a great help with some particular problems. Thanks to all the people who helped me out with PHP and SQL problems, graphics and design ideas, testing and new suggestions. I’d also like to particularly mention these software projects:
Class.Jabber.PHP does all Jabber communication for the Unclassified NewsBoard. It is used to send out notification messages to Jabber users. I slightly modified the official version to fit it in my code. See www.jabber.org for details about Jabber IM (Instant Messaging) and the XMPP (eXtensible Messaging and Presence) Protocol.
FeedCreator.class.php builds RSS newsfeeds from forums and this website.
Generic Syntax Highlighter (GeSHi) does all the colourful source code highlighting in [code] blocks. It replaced my own messy code for PHP and the even more provisional C/C++ support and thereby added a whole bunch of additional languages of which I only selected a few to be shipped with UNB by default.
I do not thank the Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 development team for not really keeping up with current web standards over the last five years and forcing me with their market share to abandon cool stuff and to code things twice. Hope you get it better in the future.
© 2003–2025 by Yves Goergen web1@unclassified.de
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Content last updated on 2005-10-23 21:20 UTC
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