Access rights management
Unlike many other comparable forum systems, the Unclassified NewsBoard grants or denies access mainly based on the access control list (ACL). This is basically a set of access rules. Each of them applies on a user or a user group and on a forum or a thread and regulates a certain user action. Some ‘access rights’ are actually ressource limitations like maximum avatar dimensions. You can view, create and modify these rules in the ACL Editor that you can find in the Administrator Control Panel.
For the UNIX/Linux experienced amongst you, this works much like the UNIX filesystem permissions. We have forums and threads (compare them with directories and files), we have groups and users (the same in UNIX), we have different actions (like access modes) and we can grant this right or not. To access a thread or forum, you need sufficient access rights for all forums above, too. Also, users can be member of multiple groups, just like in UNIX systems.
User groups 
To control access for a large group of users at once, there’s the concept of user groups. There are four predefined groups: Guests, Members, Global Moderators and Administrators. You can define your own groups in addition to this with the Groups Editor in the AdminCP. “Guests” is in fact not a real user group, but any user that is either not logged in or member of no group (not yet validated users) will be considered a guest and can be addressed as such with access rules.
You should understand that the “Members” group has a somewhat special meaning in that it contains all ‘validated users’. This is part of the user validation concept. When a user registers to the board and it is configured to first check their e-mail address before they can use their account, a user will be assigned to the “Members” group upon successful validation. Only this gives the user their default members’ rights. Moderators, Administrators or members of other defined user groups need to be assigned to this particular user group in addition to their “Members” membership. It is possible – and in some cases required – for a user to be assigned to multiple user groups.
Access rules 
- A forum or thread they apply to,
- a user or user group they are addressed to,
- a user action they control and
- the way they control this action.
Rules that are limited to a certain forum or category also control all of its subforums. You can also create access rules for single threads instead of forums, which may be useful for special threads of common interest, for example FAQs or file upload threads. You can only specify a forum or a thread for a single rule.
Rules that are defined for a user group are only valid for this group of users and don’t affect other users or guests. You can also define access rules for the ‘virtual’ group of “Guests” that addresses all users that are either member of no group or not logged in (unregistered visitors). Finally you can also omit any user or group limitation, those rules are addressed to any user on the board, including guests, moderators and administrators. You can only specify a user group or a single user for a single rule.
The access rules are stored in an undefined order in the database. For evaluation they’re brought in the following “most-special first” order: Highest user ID first, then highest group ID first, then highest thread ID first, then highest forum ID first and finally lowest action ID first. This is the order in which the rules are displayed in the ACL editor and how they will be read when determining access rights. For a specific access query, the first match is relevant. For a rule match, user or group ID must match the currently logged in user resp. his group memberships, the forum or thread ID must match the forum resp. thread to query access to and the action must be what is queried for. Disabled rules are ignored. Further (more generic) rules that may apply to the same query are not considered. This way user-specific rules count over group-wide rules and thread-specific rules count over forum-wide rules.
When you want to restrict certain access on a forum to a single user group, you should deny this action to the Members group (and if necessary also to the Guests group) and then allow it to the particular user group again. For example, to restrict any access on the “Internals” forum to the “Subscribers” group, you need to deny “view posts” access to Guests (if allowed at all) and Members and then allow this very access to the “Subscribers” group again so that only this group can access that forum. Administrators should not be locked out of any forum anyway. Another example, if you want to restrict writing access (that is adding threads and posts) on the “FAQ” forum to the “FAQ maintainers” group, then deny “add posts” (or only “add new threads” if you want them to be able to reply in present threads) access for Guests (if allowed at all) and Members and allow it for the “FAQ maintainers” group. You generally don’t need to deny an action that was never allowed. To restrict access to a small group, you should allow the exact action that was denied for a wider group. Be aware that users can inherit several rights from multiple user groups that they belong to.
User actions 
Almost everything a user can do in the forum environment has an action name assigned by that you can control that particular function with the ACL system. There’s one for viewing posts (and threads effectively), one for starting new threads, one for editing all users’ posts, and so on. Some of the actions can only be controlled globally, meaning for the entire board, others can be limited to certain forums or threads. Rules that are limited to a forum also apply on all of its subforums (see above section).
There’s another difference between actions: Some can only be granted or denied, like viewing a forum or not. Others can be assigned numeric values to, like the maximum allowed post attachment filesize. Those actions are marked with a ² in the list and have their unit in brackets, like “[kB]”. The ACL editor will know when the selected action is a numeric setting and display a text field instead of the check mark.
Global actions 
Forum/thread-specific actions 
All these actions are marked with a ¹ in the actions list.
Pre-defined action sets 
To make assigning a basic set of rights to default user groups easier, there is a few pre-defined action sets that contain all common actions that are usually allowed for members, moderators or administrators. These sets are used in the default access rules that come with the installation. If you want to change certain aspects of it, you have to add separate rules revoking some of the rights for a user group again.
Includes: view forum, write to forum, add new thread.
If you do not want this, you only need to grant view forum access to guests
Includes: change avatar, send e-mail, show userlist, show online users, show profile, view statistics, view forum, write to forum, add new thread, create poll, download attachments, vote in polls.
Includes: close thread, important thread, edit poll, edit any post, remove post, no editnote, show IP.
Includes: All existing standard actions (not the ones you possibly added).
The numeric values are set like this: max. avatar size: “100kB”, max. photo size: “500kB”, max. photo width: “600px”, max. photo height: “400px”, max. attachment size: “10MB”, time edit own posts: “unlimited” (overridden by edit any post anyway)