The Unclassified NewsBoard (short UNB) is an open-source, PHP-based internet bulletin board system, mostly like those you may already know. But the difference is in a lot of details that make your life with this board, both as administrator and user, much easier. You’ll be surprised how easy things can be and how fast you can work with such a system! The Unclassified NewsBoard has a lot of innovative features the world has never seen before in this way. I run this project in my spare time, mostly because about ten years ago, none of the freely available forum systems fully convinced me and because I found fun in that job.
Caution! As you can easily see, this software is no longer being developed. In the years since 2003, when I had written this forum software for our computer science class at the University of Erlangen, I found it well structured and successful. From 2007, towards the end of my studies, I had big plans for a modern successor, which never led to a finished application. Today I would have to rewrite everything and that’s not worth it, because I didn’t have the need for an own forum myself for a long time. Besides, I unfortunately have no free time to give away in addition to my activities. I therefore strongly discourage new installations and recommend that existing forums be migrated to other software (documentation available). In the foreseeable future, PHP 5 will cease to be available anywhere and I can’t even say if I could provide a security update for UNB in case of emergency. This website will remain online (in reduced form) for an undetermined time, as long as it is functional and does not eat bread. But please don’t count on it.
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Why this forum?
- Native real-time Jabber IM notification on new posts
- Detailed access rights management with an Access Control List
- Intuitive usage: commands are where you expect them to be
- Real unread posts selection, without cookies
- Robust BB code parser with syntax checking and nesting tags support
- Good scalability: Everything you need – nothing less and nothing more
- Full Unicode support (i18n), multiple designs and languages
- Automated installation; configuration in the integrated web interface
- Compatible with any operating system that supports PHP and MySQL
- XHTML 1.0 and CSS 2.1 compliant