Unclassified NewsBoard Code Reference

Functions overview

AbbcCheck Check whether the given ABBC code is syntactically correct.
AbbcCss Return ABBC's CSS definition code
AbbcExpandSelection Looks around a 'selected' [tag](...[/tag]) for (spaces and) NEW-LINES and
expands the selection to include them.
AbbcExpandSelectionSmilie Almost the same as AbbcExpandSelection(), but used for smilies that may have
some other characters around them...
AbbcH2T Inversion of t2h() function. Convert HTML entities back to plaintext.
AbbcInit Initialize some variables for a faster processing at a later time
AbbcOnTagstack Check if given tagname exists on the tagstack
AbbcProc Parse and convert ABBC meta-text to HTML
AbbcRegReplaceSmilie Actual reg-exp replacement of an area containing a smilie
AbbcRegReplaceTag Actual reg-exp replacement of an area containing only a single level of a
BBCode tag
AbbcSyntaxHighlight Add syntax highlighting to a string
AbbcValidTagname Check if given tagname exists in the tags array
CPForm Display user control panel
CountForums Count posts per forum, threads per forum and "is forum new?" for ALL forums
EMailForm Show form to send an e-mail to a user
GetLastPostInForumA Get last posts of multiple forums
GetPostsInForum Get number of posts in a forum
GetThreadsInForum Get number of threads in a forum
JSCollapseID Return JavaScript code to collapse (hide) a <div/> by its ID
ListForums List forums (recursive)
ListOnlineUsers List currently online users
ListUsers List users
ListUsersByGroup List all users of a specified user group
MimeDecodeWord Decode a MIME "encoded word" like in "Subject: =?...?=" (RFC 2047)
MimeEncodeIfRequired Similar to MimeEncodeWord()
MimeEncodeWord Generate a MIME 'encoded word' for use in mail headers (RFC 2047)
MimeGetHeaderParam Find a sub-value (parameter) inside a header's value, i.e.
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=<...>
MimeGetHeaderValue Find the value of a header line like "Date: <...>"
PostForm Post edit <form>
SelectButton  [JS] Toggle selection state of a button element
SendValidationMail Send out a validation e-mail to the user
SendWatchNotification Send out ForumWatch/ThreadWatch notifications to all users who want one
ShowBirthdays List users' birthdays
ShowOnlineUsers List users that were online in the last 5 mins
ShowProfile Show User Profile for userid
ShowStatDiagrams Show some diagrams
ShowTeam Show board operators team
SpamRate Clean text from too many smilies, repeating characters...
TrailingSlash Add or remove a trailing slash to pathnames
UnbAddFormStatus  [JS] Event handler that adds mouse hover statusbar information about HTML forms'
submit buttons' target URL
UnbAddLog Write a user's action to the board log
UnbAdditionalPageRefs Output additional CSS resources that other templates have requested.
UnbAgeFromBirthday Calculate a User's age from his birthday [for use in ShowProfile]
UnbAvatarFile Get the full filename of a user avatar image
UnbAvatarSize Get the dimensions of a user avatar image
UnbAvatarUrl Get the full URL of a user avatar image
UnbBeginHTML Begin a general HTML page
UnbBeginPlugin Temporary store the current plug-in's name for further function calls.
This function must be called by a plug-in script for internal management.
UnbBuildEntireForumCache Read ALL forums into the global array (saves many DB queries at large amount of data in the board)
UnbBuildEntireUserCache Read ALL users into the global array (saves many DB queries at large amount of data in the board)
UnbCallHook Call all functions registered for a hook ID
UnbCallHookN Call all functions registered for a hook ID with no data passed.
Since the hook functions will require a parameter to be passed, a local empty string is used.
UnbCheckLength  [JS] Check the current length of a textbox
UnbCheckRights Check if current user has the right to perform a particular action
UnbCheckSession Check a present session. Called on every page access to verify a past login in this session
UnbCheckUserPassword Check a user password
UnbCompareVersions Compare two version identifiers
UnbConvertTimezone Convert a timestamp from local time to user's timezone
UnbCorrectPNGforIE  [JS] Correctly handle PNG transparency in Win IE 5.5 or higher.
UnbCountReplyUsers Count distinct users who have posted in a thread for a set of threads in one step
UnbCountThreadPosts Count posts per thread for ALL threads
UnbCountUserPosts Count posts per user for ALL users
UnbCountUserViews Count users who have read in threads for a set of threads in one step
UnbCreateSession Create a session. Called at login time
UnbCreateUserPassword Create a new user password
UnbCurrentHook Returns the currently processed hook ID.
Can be called from hook handling functions that are assigned to multiple hooks.
UnbDate Specialised date() function
UnbDbEncode Encode values for use in SQL queries
UnbDebugHooks Show debug output of current hook registration
UnbDisplayPostImage Check if a post attachment file may be displayed inline as an image
UnbEditorDoCmd  [JS] Handle a text editor button
UnbEncloseText  [JS] Enclose the currently selected text with an opening and closing text
UnbEndHTML End general HTML page
UnbEndPlugin This function must be called by a plug-in script for internal management.
UnbErrorLog Append an error message to the error logfile
UnbFindThreadsArray Read threads into an array, regarding access rights
UnbFindThreadsObjects Same as UnbFindThreadsArray but returns an array of IThread objects instead.
UnbFindUsersPosts Find all threads that contain any posts of the current user
UnbFormSessionId Build session ID for GET <form>s
UnbFormatTime Format a date/timestamp
UnbForwardHTML Show a little redirection page.
The PHP script will be terminated with this function call!
UnbFriendlyDate Format a date/time more user-friendly using fuzzy words and such
UnbGetAllForumLevels Calculate the nesting level of each forum
UnbGetCharBeforeCursor  [JS] Get the character before the current cursor position in a text field
UnbGetForumsRec More abstract version to UnbListForumsRec
Recursively reads all forum IDs from $parent on into $forums array.
UnbGetGenderImage Get the gender info image
UnbGetGenderVerbose Format a user's gender verbose, with the currently selected language
UnbGetGroupMembers Get all user IDs of a group
UnbGetGroupNames Get the names of all known groups, as array(ID => Name)
UnbGetLastPost Get one or more last posts depending on given parameter
UnbGetMimetype Get the MIME content-type of a filename
UnbGetPostsByThread Return number of posts in a thread
UnbGetPostsByUser Get number of posts for a user
UnbGetProfileExtraDBCols How many extra columns are present in the users table
UnbGetProfileExtraName Return name of extra user profile field
UnbGetUserGroupNames Get the names of all groups the current user is a member of
UnbGetUserGroups Get all group IDs the current user is a member of
UnbGetUserNames Get the names of all users, as array(ID => Name)
UnbGetUserOnlineImg Build <img> telling whether a user is online
UnbGetUserStatusText Return the descriptive User Status
UnbGlobalKeyDispatcher  [JS] Keypress handler
UnbGlobalRegisterKeyHandler  [JS] Register a key handler function
UnbGoDelete  [JS] Go to a given URL after a confirmation message box
UnbInsertText  [JS] Insert text into a textbox at the current cursor position
UnbIsFlooded IP flood protection
UnbIsSecurePassword Is the given password considered to be secure?
UnbIsValidAvatarName Check if an avatar file has correct filetype
UnbIsValidAvatarSize Check if an avatar file has correct filesize
UnbIsValidPhotoName Check if a user photo file has correct filetype
UnbIsValidPhotoSize Check if a user photo file has correct filesize
UnbJabberSendMessage Send a message to one or more Jabber recipients
UnbJumpForumBox Display a dropdown box to jump to another forum
UnbLimitUrl Limit a URL to a given length
UnbLink Builds links to other forum and web pages in a unified way
UnbListAnnounces List announcements for a Forum
UnbListForumsRec Writes <option> HTML code for all forums, recursively, into $output
This belongs to UnbEditThread, but is also used by other functions
UnbListPosts List postings (and poll, if available)
UnbListThreads List threads
UnbLoginControl Display the login form or current login status
UnbLogoutNoTermSession Logout a user without terminating the session. Used for admin_lock effective logout.
UnbMakePostLink Make a link to a specified post
UnbMakeUserLink Make a link to a user's profile displaying the username
UnbMaskMail Mask mail addresses so that spam harvesters won't find it (so easily)
UnbMyCheckDate See if a date (day, month, year) is valid, taking care of leap years
Valid years are from 1000 to 9999
UnbNotifyUser Send a message to one or more users
UnbPageSelection Build a list of pages for multi-page views
UnbPhotoFile Get the full filename of a user photo image
UnbPhotoUrl Get the full URL of a user photo image
UnbPluginEnabled Called by a plug-in to determine whether it's enabled.
A plug-in is generally enabled when it's there, but it can be disabled manually by
a board configuration option (disable_plugins) or version conflicts. Also improperly
coded plug-ins (i.e. if the description information is missing) may be disabled.
UnbPluginMeta Store meta data of a plug-in
UnbPopup  [JS] Open a new popup window
UnbPreviewDesign  [JS] Open a new window with the forum start page and another design selected
UnbReadACL Read all ACL rules from the database and bring them in the correct order
UnbReadStat Read out one day's Statistic values
UnbReadUserReads Read all User's LastRead values for a set of threads in one step
UnbRebuildConffile Write back configuration file from modified $UNB['ConfigFile'] array
UnbRegisterHook Register a new plug-in hook function
UnbRequireCss Add a CSS file to the list of required CSS files.
UnbRequireJs Add a JavaScript file to the list of required JavaScript files.
UnbRequireTxt Include a translation part file.
UnbRescaleAvatar Rescale an avatar file to smaller dimensions
UnbRescaleImage Rescale an arbitrary image file to smaller dimensions
UnbRescalePhoto Rescale a user photo file to smaller dimensions
UnbScrollToAnchor  [JS] Scroll to URL anchor
UnbSearchTextbox Show a search textbox
UnbSelectLangBox Show a language selection drop-down list
Designed for use on the overview page and in the installer.
UnbSetGroupMembers Set all members of a group
UnbSetGuestLastForum Change current forum/activity ID for this guest at later time
UnbSetProfileExtraDBCols Set count of extra columns in the users table
This may cause data loss!
UnbSetRelLink Set related link in the HTML page header
UnbSetUserGroups Set all groups the current user should be a member of
UnbShowAnnounce Show an announcement
For main.inc (Forum list), post.inc (Announcement preview) and thread.inc (inside threads)
UnbShowChars  [JS] Show the list of alternative characters in the post editor
UnbShowPath Show the current forum/thread hierarchy (for navigation)
UnbShowPost Show a post, for thread.php (Thread view), post.php (Post preview and Latest post review) and search.php (Search results)
UnbSureDelete Build a JavaScript confirmation message for Delete? checkboxes
UnbTermSession Terminate a session. Called at logout time
UnbTextKeydownHandler  [JS] Event handler for keypress events on a textbox
UnbTextKeyup  [JS] No description available.
UnbTextToURL Convert a given string to make it URL-safe (SEO-like)
UnbToANSI Convert a given string with national special characters to its ANSI representation
UnbUnfilterForums Unfilter many forums
UnbUnfilterThreads Unfilter many threads
UnbUnregisterHook Unregister a plug-in hook function
UnbUnverbSize Convert "10M" in 10.485.760 (10 MB)...
UnbUnwatchForums Unwatch many forums
UnbUnwatchThreads Unwatch many threads
UnbUpdateLength  [JS] Update the length counter in the post editor
UnbUpdateStat Update a statistics value in the database
UnbUpdateUserStat Update user/guest count in Stat table
UnbUrlCheckKey Checks the provided URL GET key parameter.
UnbUrlGetKey Generate a 'unique' URL parameter key to secure most GET-requested operations
from anonymous calls like [img]s in posts.
UnbVersionGetBranch Find the branch name of the version identifier
UnbVersionGetName Find the product name of the version identifier
UnbVersionGetRelease Find the version number of the version identifier
UnbVersionTitle Convert a version identifier into a readable name
UpgradeFatalDbError Report a fatal error during upgrade
UteChange Change the parameters array for a previously remembered template
UteCodeUTF Convert a Unicode index to a UTF-8 string
UteCompile Compile a source template into its correspondant PHP code
UteExplodeQuoted Same as PHP function explode(), but also groups by quotes
UteExpressionTemplate Fill parameters into an expression template
UteInclude Internal function to include sub-templates
UteParseExpression Parse a prefix expression from an array
UteParseExpressionRec Recursively parse a prefix expression from an array
UtePopEnv Restore the entire UTE environment from the stack
UtePushEnv Save the entire UTE environment to the stack
UteRemember Collect multiple templates to show them at a later time
UteShow Show a template and compile it if required
UteShowAll Show all previously remembered templates
UteStrlen UTF-8-aware string length counting
UteStrlimit Limit a string to a given length and add '...' if it was truncated
UteSubstr UTF-8-aware string extraction method
Works like standard substr() and cuts off incomplete multibyte characters from the end
UteTranslate Translate some text with parameters
UteTranslateNum Translate some text with parameters and specific numerus
UteVariable Insert a variable's value
abbcq Quote things for HTML attributes
abbcs stripslashes() replacement
array_fill Implementation of array_fill function if PHP doesn't provide it
code2utf Convert a Unicode character index to UTF-8 multi-byte encoding
debugGetMicrotime Time measuring functions
debugMeasureTime debug performance measuring and output
debugPerformCputime No description available.
debugPerformMsec No description available.
disableObj  [JS] Disable an object in 10ms
explode_quoted Same as PHP function explode(), but also groups by quotes
fetchTimezone  [JS] Get local offset from GMT in minutes
format_number Format a number
get_dir_size Calculate the entire recursive directory size on the disk
getel  [JS] Get an element by its ID
h2t Reverse function of t2h, convert HTML code to plaintext
html_entity_decode Implementation of html_entity_decode function if PHP doesn't provide it
isUtf8 Scan a line for the UTF-8 marker and remove it
is_mailaddr Is it a valid e-mail address?
is_valid_attach_name Check if a post attachment file has correct filetype
is_valid_attach_size Check if a post attachment file has correct filesize
ltrimln Remove empty lines from beginning of string
my_tables_size Sum up all table sizes of MY tables
nothing  [JS] Dummy function for <a href="javascript:..."> links with an onclick handler
quoted_printable_decode2 Add PHP's decode function by optional "_"-to-space conversion
quoted_printable_encode Complement to PHP's quoted_printable_decode()
rc Read a value from the configuration file
regsafe make a string safe for using it in regular expressions
resizeBoxId  [JS] Vertically resize an element by its ID
resizeBoxObj  [JS] Vertically resize an element
scrollDownId  [JS] Scroll the window down by the height of an item
scrollDownObj  [JS] Scroll the window down by the height of an item
scrollUpId  [JS] Scroll the window up by the height of an item
scrollUpObj  [JS] Scroll the window up by the height of an item
setImageId  [JS] Set an image's source attribute depending on a condition
setImageObj  [JS] Set an image's source attribute depending on a condition
sha1 Implementation of SHA1 function, if it's not provided by PHP
str_limit Limit a string to a given length and add '...' if it was truncated
str_limit_utf8 UTF-8-aware version of str_limit
stripos Implementation of stripos function if PHP doesn't provide it
t2h Text-to-HTML conversion
t2i Text to HTML-Input-value conversion
toggleEnabledId  [JS] Toggle enabled state of an object
toggleEnabledObj  [JS] Toggle enabled state of an object
toggleVisId  [JS] Toggle visibility of an object
toggleVisIdScroll  [JS] Toggle visibility of an object and scroll the page up and down
toggleVisObj  [JS] Toggle visibility of an object
unquote (Recursively) remove " chars at beginning and end if present
utf8_strlen UTF-8-aware string length counting
utf8_substr UTF-8-aware string extraction method

© 2006 Yves Goergen. Unclassified NewsBoard Homepage. Reference based on UNB unb.devel.20060128, dated 2006-01-28.