AbbcCheck | Check whether the given ABBC code is syntactically correct. |
AbbcCss | Return ABBC's CSS definition code |
AbbcExpandSelection |
Looks around a 'selected' [tag](...[/tag]) for (spaces and) NEW-LINES and expands the selection to include them. |
AbbcExpandSelectionSmilie |
Almost the same as AbbcExpandSelection(), but used for smilies that may have some other characters around them... |
AbbcH2T | Inversion of t2h() function. Convert HTML entities back to plaintext. |
AbbcInit | Initialize some variables for a faster processing at a later time |
AbbcOnTagstack | Check if given tagname exists on the tagstack |
AbbcProc | Parse and convert ABBC meta-text to HTML |
AbbcRegReplaceSmilie | Actual reg-exp replacement of an area containing a smilie |
AbbcRegReplaceTag |
Actual reg-exp replacement of an area containing only a single level of a BBCode tag |
AbbcSyntaxHighlight | Add syntax highlighting to a string |
AbbcValidTagname | Check if given tagname exists in the tags array |
CPForm | Display user control panel |
CountForums | Count posts per forum, threads per forum and "is forum new?" for ALL forums |
EMailForm | Show form to send an e-mail to a user |
GetLastPostInForumA | Get last posts of multiple forums |
GetPostsInForum | Get number of posts in a forum |
GetThreadsInForum | Get number of threads in a forum |
JSCollapseID | Return JavaScript code to collapse (hide) a <div/> by its ID |
ListForums | List forums (recursive) |
ListOnlineUsers | List currently online users |
ListUsers | List users |
ListUsersByGroup | List all users of a specified user group |
MimeDecodeWord | Decode a MIME "encoded word" like in "Subject: =?...?=" (RFC 2047) |
MimeEncodeIfRequired | Similar to MimeEncodeWord() |
MimeEncodeWord | Generate a MIME 'encoded word' for use in mail headers (RFC 2047) |
MimeGetHeaderParam |
Find a sub-value (parameter) inside a header's value, i.e. Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=<...> |
MimeGetHeaderValue | Find the value of a header line like "Date: <...>" |
PostForm | Post edit <form> |
SelectButton [JS] | Toggle selection state of a button element |
SendValidationMail | Send out a validation e-mail to the user |
SendWatchNotification | Send out ForumWatch/ThreadWatch notifications to all users who want one |
ShowBirthdays | List users' birthdays |
ShowOnlineUsers | List users that were online in the last 5 mins |
ShowProfile | Show User Profile for userid |
ShowStatDiagrams | Show some diagrams |
ShowTeam | Show board operators team |
SpamRate | Clean text from too many smilies, repeating characters... |
TrailingSlash | Add or remove a trailing slash to pathnames |
UnbAddFormStatus [JS] |
Event handler that adds mouse hover statusbar information about HTML forms' submit buttons' target URL |
UnbAddLog | Write a user's action to the board log |
UnbAdditionalPageRefs | Output additional CSS resources that other templates have requested. |
UnbAgeFromBirthday | Calculate a User's age from his birthday [for use in ShowProfile] |
UnbAvatarFile | Get the full filename of a user avatar image |
UnbAvatarSize | Get the dimensions of a user avatar image |
UnbAvatarUrl | Get the full URL of a user avatar image |
UnbBeginHTML | Begin a general HTML page |
UnbBeginPlugin |
Temporary store the current plug-in's name for further function calls. This function must be called by a plug-in script for internal management. |
UnbBuildEntireForumCache | Read ALL forums into the global array (saves many DB queries at large amount of data in the board) |
UnbBuildEntireUserCache | Read ALL users into the global array (saves many DB queries at large amount of data in the board) |
UnbCallHook | Call all functions registered for a hook ID |
UnbCallHookN |
Call all functions registered for a hook ID with no data passed. Since the hook functions will require a parameter to be passed, a local empty string is used. |
UnbCheckLength [JS] | Check the current length of a textbox |
UnbCheckRights | Check if current user has the right to perform a particular action |
UnbCheckSession | Check a present session. Called on every page access to verify a past login in this session |
UnbCheckUserPassword | Check a user password |
UnbCompareVersions | Compare two version identifiers |
UnbConvertTimezone | Convert a timestamp from local time to user's timezone |
UnbCorrectPNGforIE [JS] | Correctly handle PNG transparency in Win IE 5.5 or higher. |
UnbCountReplyUsers | Count distinct users who have posted in a thread for a set of threads in one step |
UnbCountThreadPosts | Count posts per thread for ALL threads |
UnbCountUserPosts | Count posts per user for ALL users |
UnbCountUserViews | Count users who have read in threads for a set of threads in one step |
UnbCreateSession | Create a session. Called at login time |
UnbCreateUserPassword | Create a new user password |
UnbCurrentHook |
Returns the currently processed hook ID. Can be called from hook handling functions that are assigned to multiple hooks. |
UnbDate | Specialised date() function |
UnbDbEncode | Encode values for use in SQL queries |
UnbDebugHooks | Show debug output of current hook registration |
UnbDisplayPostImage | Check if a post attachment file may be displayed inline as an image |
UnbEditorDoCmd [JS] | Handle a text editor button |
UnbEncloseText [JS] | Enclose the currently selected text with an opening and closing text |
UnbEndHTML | End general HTML page |
UnbEndPlugin | This function must be called by a plug-in script for internal management. |
UnbErrorLog | Append an error message to the error logfile |
UnbFindThreadsArray | Read threads into an array, regarding access rights |
UnbFindThreadsObjects | Same as UnbFindThreadsArray but returns an array of IThread objects instead. |
UnbFindUsersPosts | Find all threads that contain any posts of the current user |
UnbFormSessionId | Build session ID for GET <form>s |
UnbFormatTime | Format a date/timestamp |
UnbForwardHTML |
Show a little redirection page. The PHP script will be terminated with this function call! |
UnbFriendlyDate | Format a date/time more user-friendly using fuzzy words and such |
UnbGetAllForumLevels | Calculate the nesting level of each forum |
UnbGetCharBeforeCursor [JS] | Get the character before the current cursor position in a text field |
UnbGetForumsRec |
More abstract version to UnbListForumsRec Recursively reads all forum IDs from $parent on into $forums array. |
UnbGetGenderImage | Get the gender info image |
UnbGetGenderVerbose | Format a user's gender verbose, with the currently selected language |
UnbGetGroupMembers | Get all user IDs of a group |
UnbGetGroupNames | Get the names of all known groups, as array(ID => Name) |
UnbGetLastPost | Get one or more last posts depending on given parameter |
UnbGetMimetype | Get the MIME content-type of a filename |
UnbGetPostsByThread | Return number of posts in a thread |
UnbGetPostsByUser | Get number of posts for a user |
UnbGetProfileExtraDBCols | How many extra columns are present in the users table |
UnbGetProfileExtraName | Return name of extra user profile field |
UnbGetUserGroupNames | Get the names of all groups the current user is a member of |
UnbGetUserGroups | Get all group IDs the current user is a member of |
UnbGetUserNames | Get the names of all users, as array(ID => Name) |
UnbGetUserOnlineImg | Build <img> telling whether a user is online |
UnbGetUserStatusText | Return the descriptive User Status |
UnbGlobalKeyDispatcher [JS] | Keypress handler |
UnbGlobalRegisterKeyHandler [JS] | Register a key handler function |
UnbGoDelete [JS] | Go to a given URL after a confirmation message box |
UnbInsertText [JS] | Insert text into a textbox at the current cursor position |
UnbIsFlooded | IP flood protection |
UnbIsSecurePassword | Is the given password considered to be secure? |
UnbIsValidAvatarName | Check if an avatar file has correct filetype |
UnbIsValidAvatarSize | Check if an avatar file has correct filesize |
UnbIsValidPhotoName | Check if a user photo file has correct filetype |
UnbIsValidPhotoSize | Check if a user photo file has correct filesize |
UnbJabberSendMessage | Send a message to one or more Jabber recipients |
UnbJumpForumBox | Display a dropdown box to jump to another forum |
UnbLimitUrl | Limit a URL to a given length |
UnbLink | Builds links to other forum and web pages in a unified way |
UnbListAnnounces | List announcements for a Forum |
UnbListForumsRec |
Writes <option> HTML code for all forums, recursively, into $output This belongs to UnbEditThread, but is also used by other functions |
UnbListPosts | List postings (and poll, if available) |
UnbListThreads | List threads |
UnbLoginControl | Display the login form or current login status |
UnbLogoutNoTermSession | Logout a user without terminating the session. Used for admin_lock effective logout. |
UnbMakePostLink | Make a link to a specified post |
UnbMakeUserLink | Make a link to a user's profile displaying the username |
UnbMaskMail | Mask mail addresses so that spam harvesters won't find it (so easily) |
UnbMyCheckDate |
See if a date (day, month, year) is valid, taking care of leap years Valid years are from 1000 to 9999 |
UnbNotifyUser | Send a message to one or more users |
UnbPageSelection | Build a list of pages for multi-page views |
UnbPhotoFile | Get the full filename of a user photo image |
UnbPhotoUrl | Get the full URL of a user photo image |
UnbPluginEnabled |
Called by a plug-in to determine whether it's enabled. A plug-in is generally enabled when it's there, but it can be disabled manually by a board configuration option (disable_plugins) or version conflicts. Also improperly coded plug-ins (i.e. if the description information is missing) may be disabled. |
UnbPluginMeta | Store meta data of a plug-in |
UnbPopup [JS] | Open a new popup window |
UnbPreviewDesign [JS] | Open a new window with the forum start page and another design selected |
UnbReadACL | Read all ACL rules from the database and bring them in the correct order |
UnbReadStat | Read out one day's Statistic values |
UnbReadUserReads | Read all User's LastRead values for a set of threads in one step |
UnbRebuildConffile | Write back configuration file from modified $UNB['ConfigFile'] array |
UnbRegisterHook | Register a new plug-in hook function |
UnbRequireCss | Add a CSS file to the list of required CSS files. |
UnbRequireJs | Add a JavaScript file to the list of required JavaScript files. |
UnbRequireTxt | Include a translation part file. |
UnbRescaleAvatar | Rescale an avatar file to smaller dimensions |
UnbRescaleImage | Rescale an arbitrary image file to smaller dimensions |
UnbRescalePhoto | Rescale a user photo file to smaller dimensions |
UnbScrollToAnchor [JS] | Scroll to URL anchor |
UnbSearchTextbox | Show a search textbox |
UnbSelectLangBox |
Show a language selection drop-down list Designed for use on the overview page and in the installer. |
UnbSetGroupMembers | Set all members of a group |
UnbSetGuestLastForum | Change current forum/activity ID for this guest at later time |
UnbSetProfileExtraDBCols |
Set count of extra columns in the users table This may cause data loss! |
UnbSetRelLink | Set related link in the HTML page header |
UnbSetUserGroups | Set all groups the current user should be a member of |
UnbShowAnnounce |
Show an announcement For (Forum list), (Announcement preview) and (inside threads) |
UnbShowChars [JS] | Show the list of alternative characters in the post editor |
UnbShowPath | Show the current forum/thread hierarchy (for navigation) |
UnbShowPost | Show a post, for thread.php (Thread view), post.php (Post preview and Latest post review) and search.php (Search results) |
UnbSureDelete | Build a JavaScript confirmation message for Delete? checkboxes |
UnbTermSession | Terminate a session. Called at logout time |
UnbTextKeydownHandler [JS] | Event handler for keypress events on a textbox |
UnbTextKeyup [JS] | No description available. |
UnbTextToURL | Convert a given string to make it URL-safe (SEO-like) |
UnbToANSI | Convert a given string with national special characters to its ANSI representation |
UnbUnfilterForums | Unfilter many forums |
UnbUnfilterThreads | Unfilter many threads |
UnbUnregisterHook | Unregister a plug-in hook function |
UnbUnverbSize | Convert "10M" in 10.485.760 (10 MB)... |
UnbUnwatchForums | Unwatch many forums |
UnbUnwatchThreads | Unwatch many threads |
UnbUpdateLength [JS] | Update the length counter in the post editor |
UnbUpdateStat | Update a statistics value in the database |
UnbUpdateUserStat | Update user/guest count in Stat table |
UnbUrlCheckKey | Checks the provided URL GET key parameter. |
UnbUrlGetKey |
Generate a 'unique' URL parameter key to secure most GET-requested operations from anonymous calls like [img]s in posts. |
UnbVersionGetBranch | Find the branch name of the version identifier |
UnbVersionGetName | Find the product name of the version identifier |
UnbVersionGetRelease | Find the version number of the version identifier |
UnbVersionTitle | Convert a version identifier into a readable name |
UpgradeFatalDbError | Report a fatal error during upgrade |
UteChange | Change the parameters array for a previously remembered template |
UteCodeUTF | Convert a Unicode index to a UTF-8 string |
UteCompile | Compile a source template into its correspondant PHP code |
UteExplodeQuoted | Same as PHP function explode(), but also groups by quotes |
UteExpressionTemplate | Fill parameters into an expression template |
UteInclude | Internal function to include sub-templates |
UteParseExpression | Parse a prefix expression from an array |
UteParseExpressionRec | Recursively parse a prefix expression from an array |
UtePopEnv | Restore the entire UTE environment from the stack |
UtePushEnv | Save the entire UTE environment to the stack |
UteRemember | Collect multiple templates to show them at a later time |
UteShow | Show a template and compile it if required |
UteShowAll | Show all previously remembered templates |
UteStrlen | UTF-8-aware string length counting |
UteStrlimit | Limit a string to a given length and add '...' if it was truncated |
UteSubstr |
UTF-8-aware string extraction method Works like standard substr() and cuts off incomplete multibyte characters from the end |
UteTranslate | Translate some text with parameters |
UteTranslateNum | Translate some text with parameters and specific numerus |
UteVariable | Insert a variable's value |
abbcq | Quote things for HTML attributes |
abbcs | stripslashes() replacement |
array_fill | Implementation of array_fill function if PHP doesn't provide it |
code2utf | Convert a Unicode character index to UTF-8 multi-byte encoding |
debugGetMicrotime | Time measuring functions |
debugMeasureTime | debug performance measuring and output |
debugPerformCputime | No description available. |
debugPerformMsec | No description available. |
disableObj [JS] | Disable an object in 10ms |
explode_quoted | Same as PHP function explode(), but also groups by quotes |
fetchTimezone [JS] | Get local offset from GMT in minutes |
format_number | Format a number |
get_dir_size | Calculate the entire recursive directory size on the disk |
getel [JS] | Get an element by its ID |
h2t | Reverse function of t2h, convert HTML code to plaintext |
html_entity_decode | Implementation of html_entity_decode function if PHP doesn't provide it |
isUtf8 | Scan a line for the UTF-8 marker and remove it |
is_mailaddr | Is it a valid e-mail address? |
is_valid_attach_name | Check if a post attachment file has correct filetype |
is_valid_attach_size | Check if a post attachment file has correct filesize |
ltrimln | Remove empty lines from beginning of string |
my_tables_size | Sum up all table sizes of MY tables |
nothing [JS] | Dummy function for <a href="javascript:..."> links with an onclick handler |
quoted_printable_decode2 | Add PHP's decode function by optional "_"-to-space conversion |
quoted_printable_encode | Complement to PHP's quoted_printable_decode() |
rc | Read a value from the configuration file |
regsafe | make a string safe for using it in regular expressions |
resizeBoxId [JS] | Vertically resize an element by its ID |
resizeBoxObj [JS] | Vertically resize an element |
scrollDownId [JS] | Scroll the window down by the height of an item |
scrollDownObj [JS] | Scroll the window down by the height of an item |
scrollUpId [JS] | Scroll the window up by the height of an item |
scrollUpObj [JS] | Scroll the window up by the height of an item |
setImageId [JS] | Set an image's source attribute depending on a condition |
setImageObj [JS] | Set an image's source attribute depending on a condition |
sha1 | Implementation of SHA1 function, if it's not provided by PHP |
str_limit | Limit a string to a given length and add '...' if it was truncated |
str_limit_utf8 | UTF-8-aware version of str_limit |
stripos | Implementation of stripos function if PHP doesn't provide it |
t2h | Text-to-HTML conversion |
t2i | Text to HTML-Input-value conversion |
toggleEnabledId [JS] | Toggle enabled state of an object |
toggleEnabledObj [JS] | Toggle enabled state of an object |
toggleVisId [JS] | Toggle visibility of an object |
toggleVisIdScroll [JS] | Toggle visibility of an object and scroll the page up and down |
toggleVisObj [JS] | Toggle visibility of an object |
unquote | (Recursively) remove " chars at beginning and end if present |
utf8_strlen | UTF-8-aware string length counting |
utf8_substr | UTF-8-aware string extraction method |
© 2006 Yves Goergen. Unclassified NewsBoard Homepage. Reference based on UNB unb.devel.20060128, dated 2006-01-28.